Michael PolyXonic

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Česká verze
Michael Sebek Jr. (born March 25, 1986), better known by his stage name Michael PolyXonic, is a DJ, Electronic Music Composer & Producer and Sole Proprietor of the polyXonic Label.

Michael’s love for music began in childhood, when he started to play guitar. At the age of 15 he has acquired the fewer part of DJ's equipment and started to practice in producing and mixing.

Michael PolyXonic started his music career as a DJ in 2008. He was one-half of the duo polyXonic Project, where his friend Jakub Sempek was the other half (till 2010). In two years after creation, polyXonic DJs had performances in lots of clubs all over the Czech Republic, also they became rezident DJs at Pekelnej Bar and Bogota Clubs in Prague.

During that time Michael PolyXonic began to teach himself how to create the music, make a bit, compose the sound, develop his knowledges. For the Music Creation he use “Reason 6 from Propellerhead” and ”Akai” controllers and sequencers.

Since March 2010 polyXonic Project includes two new members: Bertram Lácha - alias DJ Bert PolyXonic and Barbora Dompalipová alias MC BaSSbaraS. Together with Michael PolyXonic they present polyxonic DJ and MC Project.

While continuing to DJ in 2011 (exactly 11.1.2011), Michael became a Sole Proprietor of the officially established new polyXonic Independent Label and the renovated polyXonic Recording Studio, situated in Prague (EU), which produces all kinds of Electronic Music, mainly House, Electro, Pop Music. He began to produce several of his own dance tracks.

In the beginning of Spring 2011 polyXonic Recording Studio released it’s first album: “The First Compilation of PolyXonic ”

In November 2011 was released the First Single created by Michael Polyxonic with vocalist Viktor Da Rocha - “Come Back To Me” The First of January 2012 was released a Single created by Michael Polyxonic with vocalist Viktor Da Rocha - “Golden Road - Original Mix” listen here .

In middle of the yaer 2012 released Michael the single Solo Solution. listen here . After then came on Mike a style crisis, becouse he was not sure which style and direction he want do went in his music career. But everithing changed whit the year 2013...

Because in February 2013 Michael finally stared to cooperate with his colegue from DJ and MC Project, it was MC BaSSbaraS and her strog and colorful voice. Then become something unpredictable from the coop. It was the single " UP Louder - original mix " which was composed Michael and singed with her amazing vocals by Mc BaSSbaraS. listen here

Favorite Genres:
House Music and Electro house Music.

Michael PolyXonic

Michael PolyXonic rodným jménem Michael Šebek se narodil 25. března 1986 v Praze. Už v 15 letech dostal svůj první mixák a gramofony a po čase mixování si uvědomil, že se chce věnovat hudbě.

V roce 2008 spolu s Jakubem Sempekem založili DJ projekt polyXonic. Zahráli si třeba v Brněnském klubu Perpetum a pražských klubech El Magico, Jet Set. Spolu se stali DJemi týdne na serveru IDJ.cz. Koncem roku se Michael stal rezidentním DJem v Pekelnym Baru, kde v roce 2009 uspořádal klubovou party MOC NOC, se kterou s budoucími kolegy z projektu projel během dalších let ne jedno město v ČR. Zahrál si také s DJs jako Chris Sadler, Tráva, Loutka, Pavel Krejdl, DJ Neo, Roman Rai, John Culter, Revis, Vasquez nebo Subgate. Tou dobou se taky začali objevovat první ukázky jeho tvorby v programu Reason.

V roce 2010 se na místo Jakuba přidal k projektu Bertram a o chvíli později MC BaSSbaraS. A tak se zrodil polyXonic DJ & MC project . Spolu vystupovali v takových klubech jako je Radost FX, Yes Club Prague, Kostel, Kotnov, Óčko, Paradox, Cavalli nebo Touster a ve spoustě dalších. Měli možnost si zahrát se světově známými DJs jako Rif Raf, Phuture Traxx, Soul De Marin, Jean Luc, John Culter, Tomy Largo nebo Lurob. Také s projektem vystoupili v pořadu Climax na Dance rádiu, kam je pozval Chris Sadler.

V lednu 2011 Michael založil vlastní nezávislý label polyXonic Studio Records, pod kterým také vydal svůj první singl a později i album 1st Compilation of polyXonic. O rok později nahrál singl Golden Road se zpěvákem Viktorem Da Rocha (Fortes). V únoru 2013 spolu s MC BaSSbaraS nahráli singl UP Louder, který se dostal do první desítky v talentové soutěži holandského labelu Spinnin Records.

Oblíbené žánry:
House Music, Electro House, Electronica, Electro Tech-House

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Michael PolyXonic
MC BaSSbaraS